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Talking numbers

Smartpricing is a growing company, in every sense of the word. Let’s illustrate that in 6 key figures.

17 markets

Starting in Italy, we entered the DACH market in 2022, and from there, we haven't stopped!

+ 30% turnover

The average increase in turnover for accommodations that begin using Smartpricing.

2,500 customers

Not only hotel managers, but also hosts of B&Bs and vacation rentals of all sizes, in Italy and Europe.

6 teams

We are divided into Tech, CX, Sales, Marketing, Admin & Finance and HR teams, but we know how to work as a unit.

+ 100 talents

The only selection criterion? Talent. That's why we screened thousands of CVs and selected team members across Europe.

3 founders

In 2018, they were 3 friends who wanted to grow their lodging business. Today, they are leading a revolution in the hospitality industry.