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Hotel loyalty programs: how to create them to increase revenue

The guide that tells you how to create an effective loyalty program for your lodging establishment

Increase loyalty
Differentiate yourself

What you’ll find inside the guide:

  • 1

    Your strengths

    There is a tendency to think that loyalty programs are only suitable for large hotel chains: wrong! The market for loyalty programs has modernized and expanded, making them affordable and beneficial for independent hotels as well. In the guide, discover the strengths of facilities like yours.

  • 2

    The steps to follow

    Creating a truly effective loyalty program is impossible without following a strategy. In this guide, you will find the 7 basic steps for both creating one from scratch and improving an existing program. By reading them, you will be able to immediately assess whether a loyalty program is what you need.

  • 3

    The mistakes to avoid

    Knowing in advance which mistakes to avoid will help you more confidently structure a loyalty program that is effective and appreciated by guests, but also convenient for you. In this guide, you will find the most common mistakes made by first-time loyalty program users.

Loyalty deserves attention

For your loyal guests to be not only a certainty but also a source of increased revenue, you must offer them exclusivity and value. In a word: a loyalty program. Get started now!

Hotel loyalty programs: how to create them to increase revenue | Smartpricing

Find answers to your questions!

  • Sure. By structuring a reward system calibrated to your target audience and goals, you could consider implementing a loyalty program to help you strengthen and expand your loyal customer base. In addition, your loyalty program, precisely because of the small numbers, will be able to ensure a very high level of personalization and, therefore, maximum effectiveness in stimulating word-of-mouth and positive reviews as well.

  • Yes! You can use this guide to go over the process of creating your previous loyalty program and figure out exactly if and where you made mistakes. At that point, it will be easy to pick up the project again and make the necessary improvements to make it work properly.

  • Of course! By reading this short guide, you can quickly walk through all the steps you to implement your loyalty program. You will find practical examples, the options you have to create an effective program, and a list of the most common mistakes to avoid. At the end, you will have a clear picture to make a final decision.