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How to increase visibility and bookings on, Expedia, Agoda and Airbnb

The checklist with tips to follow to climb the rankings of the most used OTAs

Climb the ranking
Attract guests
Optimize costs

What you’ll find inside the checklist:

  • 1

    Data on the use of OTAs

    80 percent of travelers use OTAs. But what are the patterns of use? And what motivations drive them to choose OTAs? In the introduction to the checklist, you will find the answer to these questions, along with a reflection on the relationship between costs and opportunities offered by online portals.

  • 2

    37 practical actions

    Inside the checklist, you’ll find a list of recommended actions to improve your accommodation's ranking, specific to, Expedia, Agoda and Airbnb. In all, 37 activities you can put into practice to start from scratch or to evaluate your current visibility strategy.

  • 3

    Self-assessment tools

    How to figure out if you need to disintermediate? In what cases are OTAs absolutely essential? In this checklist, you will also find two self-assessment tools to find your balance between direct and brokered bookings.

Take only the best from OTAs

OTAs are an often uncomfortable "partner”, but they offer you an opportunity not to be underestimated: local and global visibility. But to take advantage of them, you need to know the right rules.

How to increase visibility and bookings on, Expedia, Agoda and Airbnb - Smartpricing

Find answers to your questions!

  • Yes! In this checklist, you will find a complete overview of the actions you need to take to get the most visibility on the most used OTAs, but not only. Inside there is also up-to-date data on how people use OTAs and why they do so. So by reading it, you can get an idea of what your potential customers are looking for and how to make sure they find you, both on OTAs and through your direct channel.

  • By reading this checklist, you will find useful food for thought precisely on whether you need to make use of OTAs and a yardstick for whether and how much your accommodation needs to disintermediate. Once you have established your balance, you can apply the suggested actions to get the most out of OTAs and optimize your commission costs.

  • Of course! This checklist is perfect for both those starting from scratch and those who, like you, are already active on OTAs. By following the 37 practical steps, you will be able to compare them with your own visibility strategy and make sure you haven't forgotten anything at all.